Here are answers to your questions about Neo Radio, Neo 7 og Neo TV
Get answers to all your questions about Neo Radio, Neo 7 og Neo TV as well as all other additional products from Neomesteren (Neo FAQ).
It is an advantage to download the current manual for your Neo product before starting the setup and preparation. There are manuals for that Neo Radio, Neo 7, Neo TV and other products.
Perhaps the manuals do not answer every imaginable question, so the below FAQ (Questions & Answers) is built up with the typical questions that have come up in connection with help for installation and setup with customers all over the world.
Neo products are now installed at customers in Denmark, Scandinavia, the whole of Europe, even the whole world - as far away as Australia, the US and many others.
You can read and download the manuals here
Neo Radio
Which cable should I use between Neo Radio and my B&O audio product
A powerlink cable must be used between Neo Radio and your B&O audio product. It is important that it is a fully assembled powerlink cable, or will Neo Radio not start up.
There are many "thin" powerlink cables that are not fully assembled and they do not work Neo Radio.
Read more about powerlink cables here.
How do I set Internet the radio channels to Neo Radio
Neo Radio player Internet radio channels and the selection of the individual channels is done by logging into NeoStream with username and password.
You can find your username and password in the welcome letter, which is in the packaging. Save the welcome letter, as the username and password are completely unique to you Neo Radio.
Read more about NeoStream here
When you have selected your new channels on NeoStram, remember to switch off your B&O Radio and switch it on again - with your Bang & Olufsen remote control. This means that the newly selected solitaires are downloaded from NeoStram and you are ready to enjoy the music
Kan Neo Radio play all radio channels in the world
No, Neo Radio cannot play all channels in the whole world - but most of them it can
Neo Radio player Internet radio channels. It requires that a radio channel is available with a public URL and the radio station wants you to be able to hear the channel.
Some radio stations try to block this, as they want you to use the radio station's APP, where there are advertisements. The radio station therefore does not want you to listen to its stations outside of the advertising section. Fortunately, very few radio stations do this.
Neo Radio get Internet The radio channels from our own developed NeoStream. The purpose of NeoStream is to present everyone Internet Radio channels for the user of Neo Radio. The user must log in with a username and password - where exactly the username and password that belongs to the individual is used Neo Radio. Username and password can be found in the welcome letter in the packaging. Save this welcome letter as it will be used later. Read more here how to set your channels
NeoStream is located on a server that is in operation in a monitored server park. The server is backed up around the clock. The NeoStream server scans the whole Internettight too Internet Radio channels which are available for Neo Radio.
It may happen that some Internet Radio disappears if the radio station changes the URL address or no longer wishes to broadcast the channel. We regularly adjust NeoStream to reflect the real world.
Most Internet Radio channels are serious and come from sensible providers, but there are also channels from private individuals who broadcast music from their own PC or server. This type of channel comes and goes often and is more unstable.
Internet Radio streaming is not a stable world in the same way as the old FM network or DAB channels. The advantage of Internet Radio channels are that there are many more channels and there are local stations that cannot otherwise be found on more established networks for FM and DAB.
If you are missing a channel, contact us, as we may be able to find the channel and post it on NeoStream. Contact us via this form
NeoStream contains 38.465 Internet Radio channels (November 2024) from around the world. A few countries have been removed from the list. These are typically countries where democracy is not at the fore.
Neo Radio can play radio channels broadcast in the following audio formats: Advanced Audio Encoding (AAC), Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC), HE Advanced Audio Encoding (AAC+), MPEG Layer 3 Audio (MP3), OGG Vorbis (OGG) and UTF-8 encoded audio playlist file (M3U8 and M3U).
Read more about Neo Radio the streaming technique here
Can I change the radio channel with my B&O remote control
Neo Radio is tied together with your B&O product, so the operation is exactly what you are used to.
Press RADIO on the B&O remote control and Internet Radio channels play through your B&O product. You select the channel with the number keys or the arrow keys on your remote control.
You can also operate the B&O audio product itself - exactly as you are used to on the FM channels.
Neo 7
How do I regulate the sound on my Beolab speaker when I use it? Neo 7
Neo 7 the box sits between your Bang & Olufsen speaker (Beolab) and your non-B&O TV. The sound is regulated in Neo 7 the box.
You must use the B&O remote control (eg Beo4, Beo5, Beo6 or Beoremote One) to adjust the volume.
The TV's own speaker is disconnected and you cannot therefore use the TV's own remote control to regulate the sound. The idea is also that the sound is much better through your B&O speaker than through the TV's own speaker.
You must also use your B&O remote control to operate everything else.
Which TV can I connect when using a Neo 7
If you want to upgrade your Beovision 7 from B&O with a new TV, you can use Neo 7.
The following TVs are currently supported: LG, Samsung, Philips, Sony, Panasonic and Loewe.
Which TV is best? You can't answer that... they're all good, so each user has the opportunity to choose. Neo 7 supports them all.
Why should the audio output be set to Optical out and PCM
Beolab speakers from B&O typically have an input for sound and stying of the speaker.
The sound input is an analogue signal which is supplied via a cable - a powerlink cable. Read more about powerlink cables here
Sound The output from your new non-B&O TV - eg an LG or Samsung TV - is digital. Neo 7 converts the digital sound to an analogue signal so that the Bang & Olufsen speaker can understand it.
The sound output on the TV must be set to PCM, as it is the code format that Neo 7 understand. In addition, the sound is output optically via a toslink cable (a light-conducting cable), so that the digital signal is transmitted without loss.
We all know it from Internetclose to home - here we are talking about fiber broadband. Fiber is optical light and in the same way as Neo 7 receives optical signal from TV.
Neo 7 does not work if you have forgotten to set the sound output on the TV to Optical Out and PCM.
Suddenly my Beovision 7 turns and shortly after returns to the start position - TV is not switched on
We have received feedback from several customers who experience that the stand suddenly turns to the "on position" and a few minutes later it turns back to the "off position". What is happening?
Until now, only Philips and Sony have experienced it. At Philips, this is because the Philips TV checks for new software. The TV does not turn on the screen, so you do not see that the TV is on.
When the TV switches on, the toslink output on the TV switches on. It means that Neo 7 also turns the stand on and off - as if you had pressed the TV button on the remote control.
When the TV switches off again - after software check - the toslink output also switches off and Neo 7 turns off - thus the stand turns back to the "off position".
What do you do then?
You can switch off the automatic software update in settings on Philips TV - and check for new software yourself - for example every six months.
I would like to keep my Beovision 7 stand and Beolab 7 - can I put a new TV on the stand
Neo 7 is developed to support an upgrade of your Beovision 7 stand.
Buy the desired TV yourself. We support the following TVs (November 2024): LG, Samsung, Philips, Sony, Panasonic and Loewe.
Use our Neo Guide to find the right VESA plate and bracket so you can attach the new TV to the Beovision 7 stand. Go to the Neo Guide here
Neo 7 the box - buy it here - can control the stand, control the menu on your new TV and send the sound from the TV to your Beolab 7 speaker
Can I only connect the Beolab 7 speaker to Neo 7 - or can I connect more speakers
Neo 7 has a powerlink output, which is a B&O standard for signal to a Bang & Olufsen speaker. Neo 7 are born with an RJ45 plug type.
If you have the round 8 pin DIN plug type, you can buy conversion cables here on Neo Shop
Read this guide about the powerlink cables and connectors
You can connect your Beolab 7 speaker to the powerlink output on Neo 7. This is the original setup.
In principle, you can connect all the B&O speakers you want to Neo 7. In practice, the cable length will eventually cause noise, but it is possible to connect many speakers.
Beolab 7.1 or 7.2 and also 7-6 are all stereo speakers, so they are best suited if you only use a soundbar under your TV.
If you have - as an example - a pair of Beolab 8000 and a Beolab 2 (subwoofer), then it is better to use a Beolab 7-4 center speaker, as the Beolab 7.4 is a mono speaker and it has been specially developed to be a center speaker. Read more about the Beolab 7 speaker here
remember that Neo 7 is a stereo unit. It cannot provide surround sound.
Which VESA bracket should I use for my new TV
You can buy a VESA bracket that fits
Beovision 7.32 status
Beovision 7.40 status
Beovision 7.55 status
Since the stands are not the same, you must choose the right VESA plate that fits the stand and your TV.
Use our Neo Guide, which helps you all the way.
Is there a User Guide for it Neo 7 and setup with a new TV
How do I set up my new TV correctly? Neo 7
Neo 7 speaks to your TV in a specific language. Your TV must be set to that language, otherwise the solution will not work
See the manual for your TV.
The sound output on your TV must be set to Optical out and PCM.
Sometimes these settings are found in several menus on your TV.
It is important that you check that PCM is selected - it is the code language which Neo 7 understands
The front edge of my new TV does not match the front edge of the Beolab 7 - that's how it did when I used the Beovision 7 TV from B&O
Your old Beovision 7 TV from B&O is much thicker than today's TV. Today, the screen is very thin, but the electronics must still be there. The electronics are most often located in a unit at the bottom of the TV
When the new TV is narrower than the old Beovision 7 TV from Bang & Olufsen, the front edge of the TV and speaker no longer align.
We have therefore developed the Neo Spacer, which moves your new TV forward and makes it level - as well as possible. It is difficult to hit precisely, as all today's TVs have different thicknesses.
You can use the Neo Guide, which helps you find the right Neo Spacer product
Here you can find the Neo Guide
Neo Spacer also has the advantage that you can hide cables and TV boxes in the cavity of Neo Spacer. Then you get a nice and elegant solution.